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Company Name: Professionals Australia

Full Business Address: Level 1, 163 Eastern Road, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205

Contact Name:  Jack Herbert

Phone: 1300 273 762



Company profile:

Professionals Australia is the member-driven organisation representing professional engineers in Australia. Its more than 24,000 members work across all levels of government and throughout the private sector.  Professionals Australia exists provide benefits and services which meet the expectations of its members, improve their working lives, and lifts the standing of the profession in the eyes of governments and the community.

Our services include workplace, industrial and legal advice and support, affordable and high quality accreditation for emerging and professional engineers, professional development activities, tailored salary and market rates information and tools (including a salary calculator), information webinars and more.

Additionally, we run government, community and workplace advocacy campaigns to address issues impacting the profession.

The Victorian Civil Construction Industry Alliance aims to improve the efficient delivery of critical state infrastructure, and do so by providing a vehicle for the Government to engage with key stakeholders in the construction industry.

Professionals Australia’s engineering members are key drivers of efficiency in infrastructure, and it is essentially that the voice of engineers is heard by government when discussion infrastructure reform.